New Set of Swing State Polls show Donald Trump leading 5 of 7, Biden leading in Michigan by 2 points, Tied in Nevada (Pollster: Bloomberg/ Morning Consult)

Published on 22 May 2024 at 07:30

A fresh new set of battleground state polls released on Wednesday show Donald Trump with the lead in 5 of those 7 states, tied with Biden in Nevada and Biden leading in Michigan.

Here's what the results of the Bloomberg/Morning Consult Polls show in a 5-way race between Trump, Biden, Kennedy, Jill Stein, and Cornel West:


This was the only state in this set of polls that the President is leading in. Of those surveyed in the poll, 42% support Biden in the election, 40% prefer Trump, 7% for Kennedy, 2% for Jill Stein and 1% for Cornel West.  Biden +2


Donald Trump leads Biden here by 5 points in a 5-way race, taking 44% of those surveyed compared to Biden's 39%, Kennedy's 8% and Stein and West's 1% - Trump +5


Trump also leads this state by 5 points over Biden, however that lead shrinks to a tie in a head-to-head contest. In a 5-way race though, Trump leads with 44% of those polled, Biden takes 39%, Kennedy with 7%, Stein at 2% and West at 1% - Trump +5

North Carolina:

This state gave Trump his biggest lead yet in this set of polls, Trump leads with 46% support among those polled, Biden sits at 36%, Kennedy at 7% and Stein and West both at 1% - Trump +8


Trump has a narrow lead here and inside the 4% margin of error. Of those surveyed in this state, 45% support Trump, 42% support Biden. 7% support Kennedy, 2% support West and 1% support Stein - Trump +3


This is one of the closest states in this poll with the exception of Nevada. Here, Trump leads with 43% of those polled followed by Biden's 42% support, Kennedy sits at 6% support and West and Stein both take 1% support among those polled - Trump +1


Of those polled in this state, Trump leads with 45% support, Biden is behind with 40% support, then Kennedy takes 7% support, West has 2% support, and Stein with 1% support - Trump +5


Here's what the results of the Bloomberg/Morning Consult Polls show in a head-to-head race between Trump and Biden:

Michigan - Biden 46%, Trump 45% - Biden +1

Georgia - Trump 47%, Biden 44% - Trump +3

Nevada - Trump 47%, Biden 47% - Tie

North Carolina - Trump 49%, Biden 42% - Trump +7

Pennsylvania - Trump 48%, Biden 46% - Trump +2

Wisconsin - Trump 47%, Biden 46% - + Trump +1

Arizona - Trump 49%, Biden 44% - Trump +5


Of these 7 swing state polls, the Nevada one is the most surprising. Why? Trump had a double-digit lead in a New York Times/ Siena poll earlier this month and now the race is tied, at least according to this poll. Biden has gained ground in some of the swing states and had tightened the race up again it is beginning to appear. In the April Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll, Trump was leading by 5 in Arizona, 6 in Georgia, 8 in Nevada, 10 in North Carolina, 1 in Pennsylvania, and 4 in Wisconsin, Biden was leading by 2 in Michigan.


The Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll was conducted between May 7-13, posted on May 21st, 2024, posted by Real Clear Politics, surveyed 4,962 registered voters across seven states (795 registered voters in Arizona, 795 in Georgia, 704 in Michigan, 459 in Nevada, 704 in North Carolina, 812 in Pennsylvania and 693 in Wisconsin) and has a margin of error of +/- 1% across the seven states (3 percentage points in Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania; 4 percentage points in Michigan, North Carolina, and Wisconsin, and 5 percentage points in Nevada) You will find the polling data at the link below.

(Graphics include data from the pollster listed, and are developed by Politics on the Go 24/7 News)

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